Two weeks ago the kids and I drove to Peoria, IL to watch my sister repell from a 7 story building. Why would she do this, you ask? She works for Boy Scouts of America and it was for a fundraisor. This was way out of her comfort box, so very worth the three hour drive. She had a set time to repell...and wouldn't you know it...her husband, Ryan and I missed it!!! She went early! But, out of love for us both...she did it again so we could see. That there is love!:)
This is the 7 story building she repelled from. My knees were shaking just looking at it from the ground! Afterwards, the kids and I, my mom, my sister Mollie, and my sister Amanda and her husband went to Chili's for lunch. My favorite...and we don't have one in Quincy.:) After lunch we attempted a quick girls picture. Not so much. I only posted a few out of the many that were taken. Thanks Shawn!
Mollie doing a little tree trimming.
So, there we are...left to right...Mollie, me, mom, Amanda.