Last night as I knelt to pray, as I was physically exhausted, as I was on the verge of complaining about grocery shopping late at night...I was struck with a thankful heart.
Thankful I am able to go to the grocery store and fill my cart and then go home and fill my cabinets.
Thankful for a husband who has a desire and is physically able to provide for us.
Thankful for the little ones.
Thankful for my vision, health.
Thankful for my families vision and health.
Thankful for a cool/warm home.
Thankful for a comfortable bed.
Thankful I get to stay home each day to care for our children and maintain our home.
Thankful for clothes to wash.
Thankful for a support group of friends.
I could go on and on, but I'm sure at some point you'd get tired of reading. My heart is just filled to overflowing with thankfulness. What amazes me about all of this is that just yesterday morning I was struggling with "the grass is greener" syndrome. I was talking to my sister and complaining about my dissatisfaction with this or that (mostly my home). She started doing the same about her home, and I said, "What! I love your home", and she said the same about mine. That's when we matter what/how/where/when we can fall into that mindset that someone else has it better. Myabe they do, maybe they don't. So what!
It's time we look around and really see all that God has blessed us with. He gives us what WE need.
I remeber the day we first looked at our house. We were living in Tremont (3 hours from here). I saw it online one morning and it was everything we said we wanted in a house and more. We drove the three hours after Adam got off work one day. As we pulled in the drive we were like kids at Christmas. As we toured the house, we could hardly contain our excitement! We wanted a ranch house in the country, a basement, a yard for the kids to play, 3 bedrooms. That's what we wanted, that's what we prayed for. We signed the contract that night! We got all we asked for and more...two more bedrooms downstairs, a shop for Adam, and more living space than we even thought of and all in our price range!
But the other day, as I pulled in my drive I realized that the excitement and joy was no longer there and in it's place was discontentment. What had changed? Our home has only gotten better with improvements, so it's me. Somehow, I became dissatisfied. My guess would be that I forgot what we had prayed for, and how God had blessed us! I forgot ALL the blessings! I had been looking at other people's blessings and asking God, 'Well, how come I don't have that?' He says, 'I gave you what you asked for and more!' Awww, yes. I am truly thankful!