Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break, Part 2

Oops, I just about forgot I was doing this. (HEHE) Well, I don't know about you, but I have absolutely no idea what I did today! Oh well, the sun is out and it's warm...that's all that matters.

Today I thought I would talk about after school chaos:) Honestly, I think that the time the kids get home from school till they go to bed is the absolute craziest. So, I've been working on different ways to make that less stressful, and I think I have it about as close as it will ever be...or atleast until I have a personal assistant that does everything for me. (I'm still waiting for that one).
The first thing I had to change was my to-do list. Whatever I didn't get done before they came home would have to wait till another day. I do not try to work on anything I want to during after school hours (unless of course they are all being angels and everything is going smoothly).

When they get home they have a snack first thing. They are always very hungry when they get home!

Those that have homework start it, and those that don't get to play. This continues on through dinner prep time. For some reason, this is when my living room turns into Bonker's (for those that don't know, that's an indoor fun center in Quincy). When I'm in the right mood I can let this go, but sometimes in order for me to stay sane I have Rachel read a book to the other kids.

After dinner, the kids clean up! Jacob clears the table, Heidi takes out trash, Rachel and Becca alternate weekly washing and drying the dishes and sweeping the floor. Don't worry, Nemion has a job too...he sets the table. So, during this time Adam and I sit in the living room and talk and play with the little ones. Now, it hasn't always been this way. When they were too little to wash dishes I would wash them (we don't have a dishwasher:)). I enjoyed this time because Adam would take all the kids out of the kitchen and play with them elsewhere. Ahh, quiteness:)

After dish jobs the kids pack their lunches for school. The older two help the younger two.

Wednesday nights can be hectic trying to make it to church on time. So, I moved the kids' bath nights around to make it sooo much easier. They now bath/shower on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (unless needed some other time). Alot less stressful that way.

I have also learned that if I want the kids in bed by 8:00p., then we need to start getting ready at 7:30.

Once the kids are in bed, this is mine and Adam's time together! We look forward to this time everyday. With 6 kids it is challenging trying to get away often for a date, but thankfully we have this time together every night!!

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