Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break, Part 4

Grocery shopping and meal planning. I want to start off by saying, I don't meal plan! HAHA. It sounds so organized, but for some reason I have never been able to master this. For those that truly know me and how OCD I can be about organization...meal planning is just not for me. In this area I'm almost always winging it, many days out of the week it's late afternoon and I realize I have not thought about dinner at all. It seems to be working fine, because none of us are starving!

I guess I kinda plan, atleast one night a week we have some kind of breakfast. It's typically Wednesday night, but not always. I'm trying to continue with the tradition of Gateway Woods in that every Friday night is pizza night. (It doesn't always happen.)

Grocery shopping...I'm still trying to figure this one out!:) For the two years we were at GW I did not have to grocery shop, it was done for me! How awesome is that!! But while I was there I longed for the days that I could by my own groceries, food we wanted. HA. What was I thinking!? Anyway, enough of that. I have a list on the side of my fridge and whenever I notice I'm running low or out of something I right it down. I go to the store once a week. I don't buy for any specific meal in mind, I just stock my pantry with certain things I use. Of course if I need something special I'll get it (as long as it's in the budget). For example, canned goods...I like to always have it, so when my supply gets lower I buy a couple more to replenish. I used to deplete it, then have to buy 4 or so at a time which would then take away from other things I needed to buy that week. Is this making sense? It does in my head:) Another bonus to doing it this way is if we decided to spur of the moment have company, I have food. I guess what I'm saying is I used to wait till everything was depeleted then go to the store. By doing that you will have a much larger grovery bill, and as you near the end it's hard to find things to eat or make becuase you don't have much of anything left.

I've been wanting to get back into couponing. So, I've been working on that this week. There is a wonderful website called and there I discovered that I could sign up for email store deal alerts. I pick the stores I go to and then when the weekly ad comes out or some other sale, I get an email. On this website it will also break deals down for me, say crest is on sale, then if you use a coupon (and sometimes there's a link to print that off), it will only cost this much. So, I've checked the ads and made a list for HyVee and attached those coupons to the list, and so on for whatever other stores. I have not gone to the store yet, I typically go at the begining of the week and at night with NO kids.

Well, I don't know about you, but I have enjoyed boring you all with my crazy organizing disorder/blessing:)) This also marks the end of our spring break, kinda sad that I'm gonna have to get up earlier again:(

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