Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Coupon organizer or Money organizer?

I was recently asked about this, and thought I would share with you what I use it for. As you can see, it's a coupon organizer, but I use it to keep my kids' money organized (not that they have a ton of money).

We teach are kids that any money you get, we first take tithe out, then divide the remaining between saving and spending. They each have a savings account (except Nemion & Naomi b/c I still have not gotten around to opening that up yet:)) that they keep their "savings" in. Their tithe money they give to the collections in Sunday School, and spending money for whatever. I like to keep their tithe money and spending money with me becuase I pass their tithe money out to them on Sunday morning and if we are out shopping and they want something (and I'm in the right mood) they can purchase it. I used to just carry around a bunch of different envelopes to keep it all seperated, but it wasn't as organized as I would have liked it to be.

So, that's when I started looking at my coupon organizer (which I wasn't using for my coupons b/c I didn't like the way it worked) and decided to try it out for their money. I LOVED IT!! As you can see in the photo...each child has a church and a spending category that I keep their money in. It's so handy, no more digging in my purse for 6-12 different envelopes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a great idea!