Friday, April 16, 2010

Decluttering & Organizing: Bedroom Closets

Here are some more before and after shots. I don't know about you, but I love before and after pictures of organization!! I could just look at them all day:) This one is the boy's closet. As you can see, Adam and I store our out of season, or *cough* clothes we don't fit into *cough* in the boy's closet. Take a close look at the shelves and floor. It's kinda hard to tell in this picture, but on the top shelf are a bunch of diapers! Diapers!! Nemion has been potty trained for almost 2 years! Oh,'ll notice later that they got moved to Naomi's closet:)

And, this is the after.

This is Naomi's closet, but it is shared with Rachel and Heidi until the basement bedrooms are done.

This is the after. Now, let me expain something...I have all the extra diapers stored on the shelf, but then you see a diaper box on the floor, why?, you ask. Well, you know how when your children are real small (I mean young, Naomi is not small) they are quickly growing out of their clothes. So, I keep the box in her closet and just toss clothes in it as she grows out of it, then when it's full I label it and put it into the storage room. For the record, we do not plan on having more...I'm saving them for my sister who hopefully will have a girl someday (she has 2 boy's).

Well, that's all for today. I need to get cleaning, there is so much dirt in the house from our neighbor discing his fields (yes, I was not smart enough to close my windows). Speaking of cleaning, last month I posted about our "cleaning book", it is working wonderfully! I no longer need to give instruction, that's how I can sit here and post about it:))

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