Thursday, April 15, 2010

Declutter and Organize

Aww, two of my favorite words (I know it's weird). I am in the mood to clear out this entire house of clutter. Now, according to my husband...I'm always in the mood to do that. He says that's why he doesn't sit down for very long, he's afraid I'll box him up and toss him out:)

Yesterday, I started working on our bedroom closet. When I opened it I didn't think it looked all that bad, but I knew there was a bunch of stuff in there, hiding, that we didn't need anymore. This is a before shot.

I started on the top shelf, and pulled everything off and wiped the shelf off. Now, some time back I converted our "linen closet" in to a game closet. So, bed sheets are stored in our bedroom closets (makes sense, right?!) I keep our extra bed sheets on the top shelf, I got rid of some...why did I have so many different sets for one bed?? I hate folding sheets, so when I take them off and wash them, I put them back on. (That is not how my mother did it, we would put a completely different set on the bed each time we washed sheets) UGH! Anyway, I put each set into a gallon size ziploc bag, and labeled it. Then, put it into a box that is labeled (I also love labels if ya haven't noticed). I did this because I don't know how many times short, little me has tried to get something down from the top shelf just to have the whole pile of sheets fall on the floor. Then, I would have to refold them all (did I mention earlier how much I hate folding sheets).

I continued on doing the same for the other two shelves. I happened to have that cute green plastic tub, so I'm using it to store my flip-flops & sandals. Before, I would just toss them on the shelf then I would have to go digging underneath the clothes that are hanging down. Since, that shelf isn't cluttered with my flip-flops I now have a place for my purse (or suitcase as my husband calls it).

I hope to continue this until my entire house is done, and continue to post my progress.


Susan H. said...

Keep it coming woman!! I am planning to have a garage sale and "sell so much stuff that the kids think they are next" (Dave Ramsey:-)) I am on the same journey. I LOVE TO PURGE!!!!

Katie Reinbeck said...

I love how we can encourage each other!! I was just sitting here thinking, should I have a garage sale or just drop it off somewhere?? These days, any extra money would be great. I think I'm gonna go for it:)